Here at Showerdome®, we are all for talking about making sure your bathroom is kept clean, warm & dry – that’s what a Showerdome® does right?!
We thought it would be fun to highlight four house plants that work well in your bathroom and how much they can bring a room to life.
Peace Lily
The peace lily is a very resilient plant – so much so that if you forget to water it for a week, it won’t mind too much and quickly perks back up again once it’s had some care. Low to medium light is perfect for this beautiful plant, with its dark green glossy leaves and pretty white flowers. It’s also on NASA’S list of Top Ten air cleaning plants!
Snake Plant
The snake plant, commonly referred to as “mother in laws tongue” due to the shape and sharpness of its leaves, is native to tropical West Africa and is common as a houseplant due to its minimal maintenance. It doesn’t require much sun or water which is perfect if you’re new to the houseplant game. It can also be easily propagated if you want to share your houseplant goodness! It’s another great air purifying plant too.
Boston Fern
The Boston Fern is a very popular houseplant and often grown in hanging baskets. This plant requires a bit more daylight than some of the others, so would look great next to the window or hanging from the ceiling. Regular watering or mist spraying of this fern will keep it looking luscious and give a real tropical feel to the bathroom.
Aloe Vera
This plant actually originates from the Arabian Peninsula but successfully grows in many different climates – one being a potted house plant. Apart from being a great, easy-care plant for the bathroom, it can be used to soothe sunburn, moisturise your skin or even ease eczema symptoms. Keep this one near the window so it has plenty of light.
What plants do you have in your bathroom? Share your ideas and pictures with us on Facebook. We’d love to see!
If you’re interested in reading the study that NASA conducted on plants for indoor clean air abatement, you can do so here –